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Tired of feeling regret? Wishing you could enjoy life a little bit more? Come play a game with me…
The goal of the game is to collect as many unique experiences as possible. (Notice I didn’t say “fun” experiences). The goal is to avoid labeling our moments as GOOD and BAD and rather experience them fully as they are.
Emotions come with each unique experience we collect in this game of life. Rather than trying to only collect the comfortable emotions, and trying to get rid of the uncomfortable ones, try experiencing as many emotions as possible. The point isn’t to label our emotions and cast judgements on them, but rather just view each one as a unique moment to be collected and experienced.
At the end of the game (our life), we look back upon all the experiences and emotions we were fortunate enough to experience. We enjoy the good and the bad, because we don’t have one without the other.
First, we need to hit the pause button on the human doing and put more focus on the human being.
Stop and really feel what you’re feeling. Where do you feel it? Then notice how the emotion fades. Emotions are like waves; they come and go. Trying to resist them or wish they were other than what they are is a recipe for suffering.
This week try to pause and notice things throughout your day. Notice your breath, the tone of your voice, your emotions. Don’t try to change anything, your job is to simply notice.
Invite everyone in your circle to play this game with you by sharing this email. The more people we get to play, the richer the game of life becomes.
Learn several tools to help you pause and collect each experience next week….stay tuned!