14. Would you Hire Yourself?

14. Would you Hire Yourself?

Read time: 3 minutes

You have a very important task today! And I promise if you stay open as you read this email in full, by the end you will learn something new about yourself. My advice is to read this email when you can be fully present and uninterrupted.

Imagine there is a company called Self-Love. This company is looking for joyful, content and inspiring individuals to add to their staff. Your job is to hire people based on life satisfaction metrics which include: nutrition, sleep, movement, mindset, joy, relationships, career, water, spirituality, and money mindset.

The assignment for today: Would you hire yourself if you looked back upon your last 12 months performance in all these life areas? (Try to be honest with yourself while continuing to practice self-love)

Nutrition: Based on your overall diet and eating habits over the past 12 months, would you hire yourself to be on the Nutrition team? Do you mostly eat enriching whole foods? Do you try to avoid processed or chemical-induced products? Are you fully present when you eat or are you multi-tasking during meals? Would you be a strong candidate for this team?

Sleep: Do you have a bedtime routine to calm your mind and body before hitting the bed? Do you sleep without electronics in the bedroom? Do you wake feeling rested and ready for the day? Given your nightly sleep habits, would you consider yourself an added value on the Sleep team?

Movement: Would you consider yourself a great example of healthy movement? Do you find joy in movement every day? Do you have gratitude for all your body does for you?

Mindset: Would you say most of the self talk in your head is positive and encouraging? Do you talk to yourself like you would your best friend or a child? If so, the Mindset team could use you.

Joy: Do you know what brings you joy? Can you find joy even during difficult times? Do you do something every day that brings you joy? If so, would you say you have a lot to offer the Joy team?

Relationships: Would you be qualified and helpful on the Relationships team, where you can take the lead on relationships from self to others? Can you take the lead in explaining how to improve, accept and understand not only your own relationship with yourself, but with partners, kids, family, friends and others?

Career: Maybe your area of expertise is in Career? Do you have a fulfilling career you enjoy? If you can show that you leave work feeling fulfilled, satisfied and energized, this is the team for you.

Water: Are you adequately hydrating yourself every day? If you feel free from cravings, free from most digestive issues, and free to express your emotions, you have a lot to contribute to the Water team?

Spirituality: Do you have a strong relationship with nature and the expansive world we live in? Do you feel a connection to the world around you? Do you feel a connection between all humanity? Have you spent enough time and energy in this area over the past 12 months to be a valuable member of this team?

Money mindset: Do you have a strong balanced mindset when it comes to money? Do you operate out of abundance or lack? Is this an area in which you spend time reflecting and investigating so you feel secure in your relationship with money? If yes, the Money Mindset team is ready for you.

Would you hire yourself based off of your past 12 months?

If yes, congratulations! What department would benefit from you being apart of the team? Maybe there are multiple teams you could help? Continue growing and learning news way to become even better.

If you’re having a difficult time finding a team where you can make an impact, congratulations on being honest with yourself. We cannot improve what we don’t acknowledge needs work. But there’s good news!

You have just created a career roadmap for your overall wellness.

Now what?

Take it one department at a time. If you are like me and really like to dive deep into a topic, I recommend spending up to a month on each topic. Once you have looked at all aspects of that one, move on to the next. Need someone to help coach you along this journey? I’m here to help. My role in this company is to provide guidance, accountability and support as you move through each department.

I hope this exercise finds you curious and inspired to get to work. Wherever you are right now is exactly where you are supposed to be. Remember the goal is to enjoy the path, not get to the end of the road.